The fact is that ethanol is a poison, and poisons aren’t good for people, even in subclinical doses. We may have to put up with a certain amount of unavoidable toxins, such as pollutants in the air we breathe, because we need the oxygen. I fail to see any similar health upside to beer, wine, and liquor. There’s not enough resveratrol in red wine to justify drinking it.

The World Health Organizations says, “No level of alcohol consumption is safe for our health.”

The American Cancer Society says, “Alcohol use accounts for about 6% of all cancers and 4% of all cancer deaths in the United States.”

The American Heart Association “does not recommend drinking wine or any other form of alcohol to gain potential health benefits.”

Once you know that alcohol, even in small amounts, is bad for you, if giving it up is something that you want to do, you’ll find a way to do it. Or, you can find excuses to keep drinking.

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Thank you for sharing this Mick!

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The bigger question I see: if radiation is the biggest risk of cancer, where is this exposure coming from? Should our cell phone use come under bigger discussion as it’s almost double the risk of alcohol?

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I don’t know enough about this to comment but would love to learn more

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I think sun bathing is a big part of the radiation source

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Undergoing a cardiac work up currently so I’m abstaining from alcohol for now and maybe forever.

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Love this! Thank you! 💕

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Thank you for the support Amber

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Awesome post thanks so much

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Thank you Chris!

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I agree that any amount of alcohol is most likely not good for us - and neither are ultra-processed foods! I make most of my own foods myself- they're still processed; but processed by me - so I know what's in them. Twice a year, my husband and I brew a small batch of beer -- mostly because I love adding a few grams of the spent grain to my sourdough bread! I also put the beer in the bread dough. I don't think the alcohol survives the 500F oven. I bake & cook more with beer & wine than I drink it. Wine gives me heartburn, so why put my body through that? I make my own Kombucha and Kefir and enjoy those in moderation more than I would a glass of wine. My dad was an alcoholic reeking of cheap whiskey all the time - so I never was a fan of hard liquor. And the older I get, the more I appreciate to have a clear head! The "buzz" from alcohol is too dangerous for grannies on wobbly knees! ;)

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I love a clear head as well. Thank you for sharing, I hope to make most of my own foods in the future!

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Thank you! I appreciate your thoughtful tone regarding this change in medical practice. I have epilepsy and I am no longer well controlled-going dry! My Diet Coke costs $3 and everyone else is $12 for cocktails!

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Yes the savings is huge!

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Yes, I think a warning on alcohol about cancer risk is a good thing, and will speak to younger generations.

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Thanks Dr. Jake. It’s tough knowing what to believe. A while ago a NP friend of mine was drinking red wine every night because of “the studies” saying that was good for you. It seems like a lot of “scientific studies” get proven wrong.

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This can definitely be frustrating!

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Knowalcohol.ca is a fantastic resource. It allows you to input your drinking amount alongside age, and sex, and then calculates your current risk of disease from this consumption. It also offers a spot to input a lower number of drinks and shows you the benefits for your risks by doing that. Definitely would recommend this resource created by a Canadian university (UVic)

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I’ll check this out sound cool!

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I’ve been moving away from alcohol for the last year or so. My drink of choice is now LaCroix sparkling water. I don’t miss alcohol much at all.

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I also love LaCroix :)

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On point. Thanks for the post!! As a primary care doctor, I am appalled at how few of my colleagues are aware of the risks associated with alcohol intake and thus counsel accordingly. Dr. Murthy’s statement is much appreciated and likely took a lot to get to. The alcohol lobby is powerful, as we know. My hope, as you stated, is it leads to greater awareness!!

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Thank you for all you are doing for your patients!

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Thank you covid for breaking my wife and I from the social drinking habit. For the last 5 months we have barely consumed any alcohol. Don't really miss it at all. Have lost some weight and feel better. And I don't wake up with headaches.

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So many benefits :) But sorry about the Covid!

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thank you for the reminder!

In my perspective, I think they should add a label because many people may not know it ( just as you have written in the newsletter) and be taking in maybe too much for their bodies

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Yes, knowledge is power!

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A little off topic but as little as a single drink can trigger an episode of atrial fibrillation. Two drinks double the risk. Sobering facts.

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This!!! I counsel all afib patients accordingly.

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The facts regarding the toxicity of alcohol seem irrefutable. You make the case clearly and convincingly. For some, including many friends, it’s that glass of wine with dinner that will be a real challenge to give up. As a part-time wine collector, I’ve reduced my imbibing to special occasions. I was contemplating writing an article on this topic in my Vitality Vibes newsletter. If I do, I’ll certainly reference your superb article.

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