I am doing a clinical trial for psilocybin in 2 weeks. Hopefully I get an active dose and not the placebo. I had to come off my meds to do this. I thought it wouldn't be bad because they weren't doing much, hence the reason for doing the trial, but it has been very hard. Hope it is worth it, and hope it advances the science.

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I'm sorry it has been a difficult transition. Good luck with the trial!

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I’d love to hear about your experience after the trial.

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Best of luck, friend. You're in my thoughts

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Congratulations on your new home - you will love SD!

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Thank you we are so excited!

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Hi Dr. Goodman! Would it be possible to have some of your next publications focus on living with multiple chronic mental illnesses and conditions? Possibly the effects, tips/strategies, new research, etc.? Thanks! I love the positivity you bring. Your videos helped me through tough times.

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Thank you for the kind words Ava! I will add this to my list of newsletter topics!

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Hi Dr. Jake. I really appreciate the optimism and explanations in this article. I went through a round of TMS last year, which did not cut my PHQ-9 score in half (which was what they deemed success). It didn’t have much of an effect at all until a month or two after I finished, I realized I no longer had troubles with suicidal ideation.

Still figuring things out but that was a big help.

There’s a lack of resources out there for learning about people’s own experiences with these treatments, which almost led to me not pursuing TMS treatment. To help fix that problem, I wrote about my experience with it.


Do you know of places where others have written about their experiences with esketamine or psilocybin?

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Thank you for sharing your experience! I don’t know any off the top of my head — that does sound like a cool written piece though.

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Wow. Thankyou for this article. This has been my life for the past 7 years since my uncle died. Countless ECT, being forced to take anti depressants and anti psychotic long acting injections. I am finally now free from the MHA "1983"... and I have never been more at peace with myself and in a good place mentally and physically. Sadly I have wasted (through no fault of my own)... the last 7 years. Being controlled by groups/teams of people ... and sometimes individuals!... who were getting paid for bullying and sadly physically and mentally torturing me.

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I'm so sorry for what you’ve been through!

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Fascinating. I did therapy for 30 years. Then there was my own depression. Wouldn’t it be great if we found techniques that really worked? It’s an exciting time.

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It really is such an exciting time in the world of mental health!

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Welcome to San Diego! My family and I moved here in July of 2024 and we're loving it!

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Hi almost neighbor!

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Could you possibly fit any more hope into a single post, Dr Jake?? I think not. I'm sending this to loved ones who will be heartened and who will share in their circles (One of which is Clubhouse International. Are you aware of this support for folks with MH diagnoses?)

Best of luck for all the things you're accomplishing right now and many thanks for this bright spot in my day.

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Thank you so much for sharing! I will look into Clubhouse International.

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Thanks Dr. Jake... Love to hear more about TMS in your future articles!

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Thanks for the support! I will try to share more about TMS!

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You probably picked the best city in the U.S. to move to!!

The Navy transferred my family to San Diego in 1990. I was born in Los Angeles and lived there during my first 29 years.

I felt a lot of gratitude for ending up in that beautiful place for a long time.

Then , 20 years later, post divorce; I was left not knowing quite how to take care of myself. Mental illness has kept me from keeping jobs, I can not handle pressure very well.

The expense it costs to live in San Diego; I always said that we pay the big bucks for the weather and the sunsets. I found, after being put on social security disability, I could not afford to live in my own place. I had to rent room after room, for years. It's not fun living in other people's homes.

I had an opportunity to move to the St Louis area, where my son lives. He asked me to come here to help him. He changed his mind after I had been their filthy house with a filthy woman that gave birth to my grandchildren, he was no longer moving out (they hadn't been a couple for 2 years). I felt stuck! I was in a constant panic! One morning the nasty woman told me she didn't trust me with my grandchildren. I have been a Nanny several times in my life and she knew that. She said it to hurt me. I left in a panic and moved in with a man I had been on 2 dates with.

Fortunately, that has worked out beyond anything I could have imagined.

My son and that woman have decided to not let me have any contact with my grandchildren. I live 20 minutes away. It's her decision, he just goes along with it. I've been in turmoil over it and I have had a lot of therapy. I feel abandoned by both my children; it has to be the absolute worst feeling ever.

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